Monday, September 9, 2013
What should you know about rental companies abroad
When you first think of it, it's rather strange to see any risks in addressing car rental companies around the globe as it's a type of business that doesn't involve large amounts of money or too much access to personal data. But when you hear various stories about travelers being literally ripped by car rental companies for services they didn't even know of or becoming victims of fraud schemes involving car rental companies, it's easy to become overly-cautious about all types of rental services, especially when going overseas. To be adequate in your expectations and avoid any risks regarding car rental companies you don't have to become a car rental expert. There are simple rules you must follow, which will help you avoid unpleasant situations and get the best service no matter where you wish to go to. Here are some simple tips on how to stay on the safe side when dealing with car rental companies:
Make sure they are licensed
First thing you must do when dealing with car rental companies is checking if they are licensed. Of course, it seems obvious that a large rental business is a licensed legal entity. But in some countries that might be a different case. And of course, when dealing with a legal entity it's much easier to settle any disputes compared to working with an individual. So always make sure that the company you are looking forward to renting a vehicle from is an actual legal entity to begin with. It's easy to do when checking their site online. And if they don't have one, well, this should certainly raise doubts about using their services.
Learn the local peculiarities and legislation
Local legislation can be a pain in the neck, especially when traveling abroad. Don't expect the local rules to be identical to those of the US - this is a mistake that causes too many problems to international travelers. Check the local legislation, especially when it comes to gas fees, contracts, extra services, airport and station taxes and so on. This will save you a lot of money and nerve when you get to your destination and will also give you some firm base for settling any kind of disputes with the rental company if such arise.
Check out the competition
No matter how small the country of your destination is there should be at least a couple of car rental companies to choose from. And you always have to check the competition not only for better prices but also to learn the average rates for different types of cars in the country. Even if there are two or three car rental companies, the competition will force them to keep the rates at a similar level and it will be easier for you to pick a car according to the local fees and circumstances.
Inquire about all the extras
Extra fees and services can sometimes add up hundreds of dollars to your original receipt at a car rental company. And these extras tend to vary a lot from country to country. For example, a child seat can go free of charge in Finland but it may cost you additional 15 Euro per day in Italy. The same goes for return fees and other widespread extra services. That's why you always have to check the price-list for extras and inquire about the conditions when these extras apply. This can save you a lot of money and free you from unnecessary stress.
Check the feedback
The common practice of providing feedback on different types of services such as accommodation, transportation, housing, catering and so on involves car rental companies as well. There are many travel forums that feature separate threads for discussing car rental companies and there are even separate review sites to check the feedback. So make sure to address these resources any time you want to rent a car, especially abroad, since it can prepare you for all types of situations that other travelers already went through.
Effective usage of auto insurance quotes
Auto insurance quotes are probably the easiest thing to get online and it's sometimes hard to avoid all the ads when looking for information on auto insurance in general. Sure, such an annoying approach can make you think that auto insurance quotes are totally useless and are promoted just to make you pay more. However, the truth is that auto insurance quotes represent one of the most effective tools when it comes to insurance shopping, you only have to know how to use them. Now, using insurance quotes is a skill that comes with time and experience, but you don't need to switch a dozen of policies over several years to master it. Here are a few tips that will help you use auto insurance quotes more effectively during your insurance shopping process:
Make sure that you're getting quotes
When it comes to shopping for insurance, there are two types of price-similar concept usually found on the web: quotes and estimates. Quotes represent accurate reflections of what a particular policy will cost you personally according to the information you've entered in the quote form. Quotes may take some time to get but they are usually very accurate. In contrast, estimates are much simpler and faster to get but they do not reflect the accurate price of your policy, only a general estimate. Needless to say, if you want to shop around for insurance effectively you have to make sure that you're operating with quotes, not estimates, otherwise you may run into unpleasant surprises when it comes to buying the actual policy.
Get only relevant quotes from local providers
The Internet makes it very easy to get auto insurance quotes from all insurance providers working across the United States and even abroad. But if you want to get relevant information, you only have to get auto insurance quotes from insurers licensed to render insurance services in your state. So make sure that you're quoting with the right companies by simply choosing the right state in the quote box. This will deliver accurate and relevant results and will save your time looking at other irrelevant deals (that may sometimes be more attractive).
Always check the competition
The primary function of auto insurance quotes is to give you a precise idea of how much your policy will cost you. It's the same as a typical price tag only that each quote is calculated individually according to a broad range of factors. And you know very well that comparing prices is the best way to find the most competitive offer on the market. That's why comparing quotes from several local providers is a must if you want to get a reasonably priced policy for your vehicle.
See what the extras will cost you
While you're comparing auto insurance quotes try playing around with the contents of the policy. Choose a higher or lower limit for each coverage option, add or remove different types of coverage, increase or decrease the deductible. When doing so, you will notice that auto insurance quotes from different providers will give you different results, which can sometimes end up being more attractive than your initial policy draft. So never miss the chance to check the extra options and their costs - by doing so you may actually get a ore comprehensive policy for a slightly higher price.
Life insurance quotes for different policy types
Life insurance is certainly one of those products that aren't necessarily the most appealing but still considered by many responsible people who care about their families and relatives. There's always a moment in a person's life when they start thinking about what would happen if they would pass away. Would their family have everything they need, would the close friends get anything as an extra, would the relatives get the appreciation they deserve? Life insurance is designed to provide a positive answer to all these questions, so it's definitely a very good think to think about. However, it makes a huge difference which policy type you get life insurance quotes for, since the price and the benefits may vary greatly. If you're fairly new to the whole concept of life insurance and want to understand which policy type will suit you best, here's a brief and simple explanation of the basic life insurance policy types:
Term life insurance
Term life insurance quotes are among the lowest you can get for this type of insurance products, while the policies are the simplest to review. A term policy involves a specific period of time, defined by the customer and the insurer, during which the beneficiaries of the policy (the policyholder's family or other specified individuals) are entitled to predetermined benefits in case the policyholder passes away or becomes disabled (depending on the conditions of the policy). However, if nothing happens during this specific term, no benefits are paid and the premiums paid throughout the years are not reimbursed. This type of life insurance will mostly suit those going through various stages of career where their family is most vulnerable, or when working hazardous jobs. But since there's a fairly low risk of an actual payout, the life insurance quotes for term policies are the lowest you can get and it won't cost you much to get your life insured.
Whole life insurance
Whole life insurance is the classic form of life insurance and probably the most expensive option to go with. As the name suggests, it covers the policyholder for his or her entire life as long as premiums are paid, so the payout rate is equal to 100%. That's why whole life insurance quotes are very high and this form of life insurance is typically associated with wealthy people. However, this policy type also brings a little extra in the form of increasing benefits that can be used as investment tools while the policyholder is still alive. Of course, these investment tools cannot compare to standard investment options such as stocks, but they can actually help the policyholder to increase the amount of benefits included with the policy.
Universal life insurance
Universal life insurance is a fairly new form of life insurance, which was created to combine the best traits of both whole and term policies. It works like a whole life insurance policy, covering the policyholder permanently, but provides more flexibility. Any excess in premiums above the current cost of insurance is used to increase the cash value of the policy, which means higher payouts in case of the policyholder's death. Moreover, the excess can also be used to pay the premiums for a period of time if they aren't paid by the customer. Universal life insurance quotes are usually more affordable than whole life insurance and that's the primary reason why this particular policy type has become so popular recently.
Variable life insurance
Variable life insurance is often categorized as an extended variation of universal life insurance and is sometimes even used as its synonym. However, there's a major characteristic to this policy type that makes it really special. With variable life insurance you can use the cash value of your policy to purchase bonds, stocks and other high-risk high-profit investment tools to ultimately increase the policy's cash value. Needless to say, this ability can also result in a significant decrease in the cash value if bad investment decisions are made. That's why variable life insurance quotes are suggested only to financial-savvy customers who know how to make successful investments and use the stock market.
Get the auto insurance quotes you deserve
We always think that we deserve better. But it's not something bad, really. On the contrary, believing that we can get more and better is one of the primary impulses of human existence and is the driving force behind all forms of progress. However, when the expectations don't match the reality for a very long time it can be a cause for frustration. That's exactly how many car owners feel when they don't get the auto insurance quotes they deserve. It always feels like they can be more affordable and the policies more flexible but there are too few car owners who actually managed to get exactly what they want. In order to be a part of this small group you don't have to be a magician or insurance expert. You just have to know what you deserve and know how to get it.
Do you deserve expensive insurance?
First thing you have to ask yourself is whether you deserve an adequately priced policy or your auto insurance quotes can be way more affordable. It's very easy, really. You just have to be objective and take things for what they are. Look at your driving record: is it as clean as the summer sky or there's no place for new entries? Look at your car: is it an insurance-friendly model or it's too expensive to repair and it makes the top-ten list of the most stolen vehicles? Look around you: do you live in a place with low insurance costs and light traffic or reside right in the middle of Manhattan where it's faster to walk than to drive? It's really crucial to assess your insurance situation and understand whether it's possible for you to get lower rates or you're asking for too much. Now, if all the odds are in your favor you have to take an active approach towards your auto insurance.
The market is your playground
The market economy can often be complex and confusing even if you're used to its numerous benefits. The insurance market is a fine example of how competition gives many possibilities but also confuses the customer. With so many insurance companies out there the average customer gets easily lost among the offers and is often inclined to make a compulsive purchase. But you don't have to be afraid of the abundance, you have to take advantage of it and use it to your benefit. Comparison shopping is the best way to get affordable insurance and it's impossible to do it effectively without learning the local market. So take your time to study the supply, see what all the players have to offer and pick from the best deals out there.
Get everything you deserve
Buying the best policy on the market is only a part of getting affordable auto insurance quotes. Besides the policy there are also many incentives and discounts you may not know of, but which will bring down the cost of your insurance. So, in order to get really low rates you have to learn about all the things you can get from your provider. Ask about discounts and incentives, see if there are any seasonal offers or last-minute deals to profit from. Never hesitate to ask questions and get everything you can from your insurance provider. After all, you're paying them to do their job and serve your auto insurance needs.
You need a cheap car insurance. So why can't you ever get it?
It's always easier to think that the world is unfair instead of looking for the exact reasons standing behind various situations. Such is the case of cheap car insurance, which is often believed to be inexistent due to the practices all insurance companies carry out. Of course, most insurers really employ different methods for making their customers pay more since all these organizations revolve around profit and will do different things for maximizing it. However, there's nothing that you can't avoid in these practices and get the cheap car insurance you deserve. More often it's the way we think about car insurance in general that makes it very hard to get cheaper policies. So, let's take a look at what's standing between us and cheap car insurance we all crave for.
Do you know what you need?
The first thing standing in the way of nearly every insurance customer is the inability to define their exact needs when it comes to coverage. Most customers are simply guided by insurers while others choose what feels "appropriate" for their cars, but very few car owners actually know how much coverage and what types of it they need to buy. You have to change that and take things in your own hands by learning the exact limits of coverage required to settle an average car crash, the types of coverage required by law and the reasonable limits depending on local costs and the car's current market value. You will be surprised how such knowledge can be effective when it comes to getting cheap car insurance.
Is there only one insurer out there?
Another thing that often stands between customers and cheap car insurance is their voluntary limitation of own choice. People tend to get insurance from the same providers year after year, believing that loyalty and convenience are the most important things in car insurance. This way they simply refuse from getting a chance to get cheap car insurance by shopping around. There are always more insurance companies to quote with and the chances of getting more affordable policies increase with every insurance company you add to your comparison shopping list. Sometimes it's sufficient to shop around for a few minutes and you can find cheap car insurance deals from providers you haven't even bothered to quote with in the past.
Have you taken some effort?
But what's really important when looking for cheap car insurance is effort. You can't expect to get what you want without putting at least some effort into it, since no one's more interested in giving you the most affordable deals than you are. Don't hesitate to ask questions, learn more by reading articles, call insurers to see if they have any discounts, check the insurance rating of your car and switch to another one if it's generally too expensive to insure. Cheap car insurance can only be the result of your own actions, so you will have to make them instead of thinking how the system is unfair to customers. The more effort you put into your search the more likely it will be to get exactly what you want. Learn useful tips on shopping for car insurance on the expert webiste!
How your quotes depend on your house and car location?
Auto insurance quotes can easily confuse just any car owner no matter how experienced or insurance-savvy. With so many factors in the play it's often hard to wrap your head around all the variables and predict what auto insurance quotes you will get when shopping around. But what's more interesting is the way auto insurance quotes tend to very depending on the car owner's location. A 10-mile difference in residence can result in substantial rate difference, especially when speaking of state borders. Too many car owners tend to get annoyed by such a fluctuation and blame insurance companies for unfair business practices. But before you consider joining such accusations it's better to do a little homework and learn why exactly auto insurance quotes are so tightly linked to the car owner's location.
Laws, costs and business activity
First of all, you have to understand that insurance companies are forced to play at a field where the rules are different in every corner. Each state has its specific legislation and mandatory requirement regardless auto insurance, and this of course is reflected in the average insurance costs across states. Sometimes the minimal requirements in neighboring states can differ to the point where the difference in final rates will be double. But that's not the only factor contributing to the wild fluctuation in auto insurance quotes. There are also implied costs such as medical and repair fees, which also contribute to the final rates charged by the insurer. And there's also the overall business activity and competition on the local market, which define the insurer's pricing strategy for each particular region. All these macro and microeconomic factors contribute a great deal to the pronounced difference between auto insurance quotes in different locations.
Traffic load and accident risk
Besides the economic factors there are also statistical and technical factors that have to be taken into consideration. First of all, you have to realize the probability of having an accident with respect to how heavy the traffic is in your area. It's apparent that the more cars there are on the road the more likely it is to get hit or hit someone else. That's why the large urban areas with heavy traffic always have the highest auto insurance quotes, especially when compared to rural areas. On the other side of the spectrum, areas with low population and traffic density are always more affordable in terms of insurance since there aren't many accidents taking place where there aren't as much cars to deal with.
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Theft and crime rates
An additional factor that often escapes the attention of insurance company critics is the crime aspect of the business. Insurance companies have to deal with theft claims on a regular basis and it's estimated that around 20-25% of the premiums paid by customers are used to cover the costs associated with auto theft. Now, the crime rates differ a lot from one place to another and it's evident that areas with higher theft rates will always have higher auto insurance quotes than others. That's exactly the reason why insurance quotes can differ a lot even within a single city: some neighborhoods just cause too much trouble to insurance companies and they are forced to increase the average quotes there just to cover their costs.
Propecia or transplantation treatment: What is the best?
Of all the options people have when it comes to treating male pattern hair loss, there are only two that are officially approved by the Food and Drug Administration: hair transplantation and Propecia. All other treatment methods are yet to be studied and approved for their effectiveness, but there's clear evidence that only these two options are really helpful when it comes to treating hair loss problems. Needless to say, most people confronting hair loss spend a lot of time weighting in on the pros and cons of each method and often find it hard to choose between them. But the task gets much easier once you learn the main facts about these two methods and realize their true effectiveness. So let's look closer at each of the two methods and compare them.
What is hair transplantation?
Hair transplantation is exactly what it sounds like: transplantation of separate hair follicles from one area (not affected by hair loss) to another (affected by it). The logic here is very simple: take stronger and healthier hair follicles to where they are actually needed. The first hair transplantation surgeries have been performed during the 1930's in Japan and since then the methodology, equipment and skills have improved drastically. Today hair transplantation surgeries are associated with only minor discomfort and are performed with state-of-the-art precision and hi-tech equipment. Nevertheless, it's still a surgery, so there's some pain and recovery involved. Besides, the most modern transplantation techniques are often associated with high prices, so this method is mostly available to rich people.
What is Propecia?
Propecia, in contrast to hair transplantation, is a simple prescription drug taken orally on a daily basis. It doesn't involve any external procedures so it may be a bit confusing t first. However, its mechanism of action is based on hormone level adjustment that allows strengthening the weaker hair follicles from the inside and thus stopping and reversing the process of hair loss. The process is rather lengthy as the body needs to adjust to the changes gradually, but there's no discomfort involved and no recovery period needed. You just keep using the drug until you notice that the hair stopped falling out and some of it has grown back. Simple as that.
How do the two methods compare?
Comparing the two methods is somewhat difficult since they involve completely different methods and bring the desired results through different means. On the one hand, hair transplantation is very rapid when it comes to obtaining results: you see the new hair right after the surgery whereas Propecia may take up to a year to show any signs of improvement. On the other hand, hair transplantation doesn't offer any guarantees for keeping the transplanted hair - there's always a risk that the new hair will fall off just as the old did due to ongoing male pattern hair loss. At the same time, Propecia works exactly by minimizing the risk of new hair loss. Sure, it take a lot longer to get the results but once you get them and continue using the drug you won't be bothered by hair loss again. Besides, taking Propecia costs only a fraction of the price usually paid for a hair transplantation surgery. So it's also a rather affordable option that has its advantages against hair transplantation techniques. Yet again, deciding on which option is the most convenient is always up to you!
Choosing the Right Auto Insurance Company
You're searching for the right level of auto insurance coverage for your needs at an affordable price. Once you've found the perfect auto insurance quotes, how do you find out more about the company you want to buy it from? If you need to claim or if you need help with your policy, you want to ensure your insurance provider has a good customer service track record, a great reputation in the industry, and offers extra features that other companies do not.
Here are a few tips on choosing the right auto insurance provider.
First, consider the type of insurance coverage you require:
If you've had credit problems in the past, or have a poor driving record you may want to search for insurers who specialize in offering auto insurance quotes to higher risk customers.
There are lots of insurers who offer multi-vehicle discounts, so if you have more than one car at home it can often be cheaper to insure them all with the same company on the same policy.
Consider your individual needs - do you drive long distances for work? Or, do you only use your vehicle for social journeys? Make sure the level of coverage matches your requirements.
Secondly, look for car insurance providers who offer benefits to good drivers:
Research car insurance companies who offer discounted rates to more experienced drivers with clean records and years of driving experience.
Look for insurers who deal exclusively with 'low risk' customers and provide discounted premiums to those groups of customers - women, those with low annual mileage, older drivers, and those in certain professions.
Thirdly, research any added features each policy contains:
A good auto insurance provider will offer customers a variety of deductibles, third party cover, comprehensive cover, and some kind of personal injury protection on its more advanced policies.
A well-rounded insurer will provide added extras like rental cars, car repairs, and breakdown cover at affordable prices as add-on features on existing auto insurance quotes.
Lastly, do some research on the company's reputation:
Have a look at some auto insurance comparison websites that contain customer reviews, ratings, and testimonials from previous customers to understand how they treat customers.
Take a look at the insurer's website to view some testimonials and any industry awards they might have received.
Check out your state department of insurance website where they list insurer's 'consumer complaint ratios' - that means how many complaints they have received per every 1,000 claims. If the complaint ratio is very high, give that company a miss.
To do some really thorough checking, give local body shops a call. They work with car insurance companies every day and know which companies are reliable, trustworthy and helpful to their customers.
Following some of these tips should ensure you purchase auto insurance quotes from reliable and helpful car insurance providers who can offer discounts, added extras, benefits, and have a good reputation.
Types of Life Insurance
Life insurance covers you and your family financially in the event of death or serious injury that results in you being unable to work. That's why it's important to learn about the different types of life insurance in order to help you choose the right type of cover. There are a number of different types of life insurance, but the two main ones are term life insurance and permanent life insurance.
Understanding the varying levels of cover available will help you pick the right life insurance quotes when shopping for life insurance.
Let's take a look at some kinds of life insurance policies:
Term Life Insurance
Term life insurance is generally one of the most basic and cheapest life insurance quotes you can get. 'Term' applies to the fact that this insurance covers you only for a specified, temporary period of time. It usually covers say 10, 20 or 30 years and is designed for short-term financial protection.
How does it work?
A premium is paid every year and has no lump sum cash value. Term life insurance protects your financial assets should you die during that year you have paid the premium. If you do die during the term, your beneficiary will receive the 'death benefit' included in your life insurance policy.
Permanent Life Insurance
Just like it sounds, this life insurance provides life-long cover. As long as you continue to pay your premiums, permanent life insurance won't stop. Permanent life insurance is a far better investment because it saves money over time and accumulates a cash value.
How does it work?
You continue to pay premiums throughout your life and a cash sum is paid to your dependants upon your death, regardless of when your death occurs. Permanent life insurance is far more comprehensive and can cover you for final expenses, credit cards, mortgages, and medical expenses.
Other Types of Life Insurance
There are many other components of life insurance coverage that specialize in different areas. Here are some policies and cover you can take out in addition to the two main life insurance policies available:
Accidental Death Insurance - If you die suddenly as the result of an accident your family will be protected with ongoing payments.
Disability Insurance - Covers you financially if you become disabled and can no longer work.
Critical Illness Cover - Pays out a lump sum if you are diagnosed with a life-changing, serious illness.
Final Expenses Cover - Helps your family pay for funeral expenses, hospital bills, or legal fees after your death.
Long Term care Insurance - Assists you financially if you develop a chronic illness or need long term medical care at home or in hospital.
Researching all the major life insurance types can help you make an informed decision about which cover and policy to purchase when you need life insurance quotes. Don't leave it until it's too late; get life insurance when you are healthy and financially able.
Make sure you get affordable car insurance for your new car
It's always an exciting experience to buy a new car, regardless of how many cars have you already changed over the years. It makes no difference how much money you're planning to spend or how old the car is, it's always a very intriguing moment that is associated with different emotions. It's really so, most of us spend a considerable part of our lives behind the steering wheel, so purchasing a car is often similar to choosing an apartment or finding the right person to live together. Logically, in such emotional moments it's hard to think about the annoying details such as car insurance. Regarding this fact car vendors and insurers tend to make extra money, catching you by surprise and using the moment to make you buy more expensive insurance. But there are simple ways how to avoid such traps and get cheap car insurance even when buying a new car.
To save your money in such a situation you have to remember the first rule: avoid the tempting offer to purchase a policy together with your car. It's true, in most states you can't even take the car out of the dealer's shop without having a valid insurance policy. Anyways you're not obliged to buy insurance directly from the dealer you're purchasing the car from. For sure that won't surprise you that most car vendors to have exclusive contracts with particular insurance companies, where they get a cut form each policy sold, so they are increasing the rates on these policies and make the clients think that it's the most convenient way for insuring their new car. In addition, they will try to convince you that your new car requires all the bells and whistles offered by the insurer, including comprehensive coverage, gap coverage, personal injury protection and other extras that come at an additional price. At first you may think the offer is great, but when you start paying the premiums it's really hard to think of such a policy as cheap car insurance.
May be buying the policy together with your car is not the best idea, consider the following two options. To start with, analyze the local insurance market by shopping around on the web. Think of comparing the rates by different insurers in case you already know what car model you would like to have. And if you haven't come up with a final decision yet, shopping around for insurance can actually serve as a good aid for making up your mind. The rates will vary significantly from one model to another, and this may serve as a determining factor for your car purchasing needs. You will see, if you're looking forward to buy a car that will be used for several years then having cheap car insurance by default can make all the difference. After you have studied out the problem and have a few very affordable options, make sure to keep them in mind or even print out the terms before going to the car vendor. At their place you may simply compare the rates found on the Internet and what the dealer has to offer, and see if their offer isn't overpriced. After all, the dealer's rates may actually be rather competitive, so it will be more convenient to buy the policy together with the car. But what if not?
You still have another option, which makes things even easier. Let's assume you've already decided on the car you want to buy you can simply get your insurance policy in advance and go to the dealer with a valid policy on your hands. If it's not against the law in your state, make sure to go with this option since it will surely be more competitive than what the dealer has to offer. Now it will be easier for you to get cheap car insurance for your new car right from the first day and avoid ending up with inconvenient deals that car vendors love so much.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
BMW M Vice President: "From Now On, There Will Always Be An M3 CSL"

Gerhard Richter, BMW M Division’s Vive President gave a very interesting interview to Inside Line's Alistair Weaver during the launch of the 2008 BMW M3. Among other things, Richter confirmed BMW’s intention to build a successor to the highly acclaimed, lightweight M3 CSL. “The last M3 CSL was very successful and fun to drive. From now on, there will always be a CSL version of the M3”, said Richter.
As for the M1, Richter found the idea of an M model based on the 1-Series Coupe to be a good idea but he noted that BMW hasn’t taken any decision on the matter yet. On the other hand, Richter was quite negative about a future BMW supercar, not that he personally wouldn’t love doing it, but because if BMW decided to go fourth they would have to build something like the Porsche Carrera GT since anything below would just be on the same level with the M3 or M6. -Click on the link below to see the whole interview
Via: insideline